Salvador Dali - Divine Comedy - In the Heaven of Mercury
Salvador Dali In the Heaven of Mercury
Salvador Dali In the Heaven of Mercury doubts is a woodblock print. It is from the Divine Comedy book. It is Paradise #5 and comes with its own Canto. There were 4765 French edition books printed. So that means there are many more than 4765 of this print. This is because some of the books have sets of extra prints. If you like the print, buy it. Don’t think it is an investment. There were about 3000 of the Italian version and more than 300 of the German version. If you go to the decomposition page on our web-site you can see how the individual woodblocks fit together to make a complete print.
Click on this link for additional background information on Salvador Dali.
The woodblock process:
A woodblock is exactly that. Cutting tools carve an image into a block of wood. The carving creates a relief pattern. That is the uncut part of the wood is printed. The Salvador Dali In the Heaven of Mercury print required 34 separate woodblocks to create the final woodblock. Printing one woodblock added the color wash laid on the woodblock. The entire printing process can been seen as a decomposition. I show an example of a decomposition of the main Divine Comedy page. Some of the books come with decompositions. There are at least 6 decompositions is each of the first 865 books.
Available for sale are:
1) The individual woodblock, Salvador Dali In the Heaven of Mercury, is available individually. If you desire we may have the print with a block signature.
2) The complete set of the Divine Comedy is Available.
E-mail us for the Price and condition report. Subsequently, call us for more information.
Click on the thumbnail for a larger image.
Finally, go to the main Dali Page for complete etching information.