Salvador Dali - Imagination and Objects of the Future - Melting Space-Time
Salvador Dali
Spanish (1904 – 1989)
Salvador Dali Melting Space-Time – 1975
Salvador Dali Melting Space-Time is a lithograph with engraving. This is one of 11 works from the “Imagination and Objects of the Future” suite. The suite was printed in 1975. Merrill Chase and Chicago/Alan Rich/New York, were the joint publishers of the suite. They published the suite in 1975. Arches is the paper. We are not splitting up the suite. You may purchase the complete suite as described on the main page.
Click on this link for additional background information on Salvador Dali.
Available for sale are:
1) The complete suite is Available.
E-mail us for the Price and condition report. Subsequently, call us for more information.
Click on the thumbnail for a larger image.
Finally, go to the main Imagination and Objects of the Future for complete etching information.