Salvador Dali Suites

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Salvador Dali
Spanish (1904 – 1989)
Below are shown the suites we have that are illustrated by Salvador Dali. We usually only sell the complete suite, but in some cases we will split up thesuite. We indicate below whether the suite is sold, available, or available as individual etchings or lithographs

Click on the thumbnail to obtain information about the suite, plus images of the suite, the works of art and availability.

Salvador Dali, whose etchings and lithographs are associated with the surrealist movement of the 20th Century, produced etchings and lithographs on paper for reproduction using dry point, etching, woodcut, and lithography. There has been considerable abuse in the reproduction of his editions, thus making the authenticity of the work an important factor in buying. The etchings, lithographs, books, and portfolios we sell are guaranteed authentic. Salvador Dali often published etchings and lithographs as suites containing several individual drawings where he interpreted important works of literature, events, people or places. Examples of these are the “Visions of Chicago,” “Dalinean Horses,” or “Carmen.” He also published lithographs and etchings as illustrated books where he interpreted a literary work and included the text with the etchings or lithographs. Examples are the “Divine Comedy” “Alice in Wonderland,” “Aliyah,” “Biblia Sacra,” and “Faust.” Some works were published as individual works such as the “Bullfighter.” Finally, he would often autograph and personalize books that were written about him.

Click on the images above to learn more about the Salvador Dali Divine Comedy, lithographs, etchings, and suites and to see images from each. You can reference “The Official Catalogue of the Graphic Works of Salvador Dali” by Field, “Catalogue Raisonne, parts I and II” by Michler and Lopsinger, or other catalogues or references that have been or may be published for more information.

Click on the links above to see all of the Salvador Dali etchings, lithographs, portfolios and suites by that we have available. ‎Click here for our guarantee of authenticity. Note, in general, we often will retain the images and descriptions of items we sell for educational purposes.