Salvador Dali - Huit Peches Capitaux or Eight Deadly Sins - Sloth
Salvador Dali
Spanish (1904 – 1989)
Salvador Dali Sloth – 1966
Salvador Dali Sloth is a single engraving. It is from the suite “Huit Peches Capitaux or Eight Deadly Sins.” The suite is based on Dali’s interpretation of the normal “seven deadly sins” with one added for Dali. The engraving is hand signed. The suite contains 8 full sized engravings. We are not splitting up the suite. Thus this engraving is available only as part of the complete suite. This suite is available and is authentic.
For background information on Salvador Dali click on this link .
Available for sale are:
2) The complete suite is Available!!!
E-mail for Price and condition report. Call us for more information.
Finally, go to the main Huit Peches Capitaux or Eight Deadly Sins. for the complete suite information.
Click on the thumbnail for a larger image.