Salvador Dali - Pages choisies de Don Quichotte de la Mancha

Salvador Dali
Spanish (1904 – 1989)

Salvador Dali Pages choisies de Don Quichotte de la Mancha – 1957

Histoire d’un grande livre and the “Exploding Head.” – 1957

This book, “Pages choisies de Don Quichotte de la Mancha,” includes text plus 12 lithographs with watercolour and collage. To describe the creation of the book, a second, soft cover book, “Histoire d’un Grande Livre” was also released. In some instances this second book contained the lithograph “Don Quichote a la tete qui eclat” or the “Exploding Head.” Not all of the books contained the “Exploding Head,” and at this time the “Exploding Head” can be found sold separately.

The tirage consists of 197 books plus proofs. The first book of the edition is designated book A (see below). There are additional books with extra suites and then the regular edition which contains text plus the 12 lithographs contained is a blue slipcase and with 12 lithographs on Rives.

We offer for sale the following:

Book A: According to Field and Lopsinger, this book was published with 6 (Field) or 8 (Lopsinger) original watercolors, text and lithographs on parchment, a suite on Japan nacre with watercolored remarques, a suite on Japon imperial, a suite on Rives, and a set of color decompositions of the lithographs. The sheets have full margins, loose as issued with a size of 16 1/8 x 13 in for 9 single sheet prints and 25 3/8 x 16″ for 3 double page works. The title page, justification page and text are all on parchment and contained in a book with a red case. The lithographs and decompositions are contained in two separate cases with blue covers. In the A book, the double page lithographs are not folded. Both the lithographs on parchment and those with remarques are signed in the stone and also signed in pencil by Dali. This book is Sold!!!. Click here to view a complete description of the book and images as it was sold.

Regular edition: “Pages choisies de Don Quichotte de la Mancha” in the regular edition is contained is a blue slipcase and consists of 12 lithographs on Rives. The sheets have full margins, loose as issued with a size of 16 1/8 x 13 in for 9 single sheet prints and double for 3 nearly 2 page works which are folded in the middle complete with text. Each of the lithographs is signed in the stone. Shown is a typical slipcase, a typical tirage page giving the issue prices in French francs and the lithographs.  This book was for Mourlout and comes with the “Histoire d’un Grande Livre” which contains the original signed ink drawing (shown below).  “Histoire d’un Grande Livre”  is #15 and comes with 3 copies of “The Exploding Head.”  This book is Available!!!. (See below)

Delux edition: “Pages choisies de Don Quichotte de la Mancha” in the deluxe edition is contained is a blue slipcase and consists of 12 lithographs on Rives. The sheets have full margins, loose as issued with a size of 16 1/8 x 13 in for 9 single sheet prints and double for 3 nearly 2 page works which are folded in the middle complete with text. Each of the lithographs is signed in the stone. Also in this edition is an extra set of the lithographs on japon in a folder enclosed with the slipcase. Shown below is the slipcase where you can see the outer cover of the case is faded. This book is Sold!!! (See below)

The “Exploding Head”: This lithograph was not included in “Pages choisies de Don Quichotte de la Mancha,” but was issued either separately or as part of “Histoire d’un Grande Livre.” According to Lopsinger, in 1966 Dali signed 60 numbered copies of the lithograph for Edition Michele Broutta.   We have “Histoire d’un Grande Livre” which comes with 3 copies on different papers of “The Exploding Head.” Available!!!

Individual lithographs: These are from a separate suite on Japon. The ones that are available are marked available below. For price E-mail us. For additional information call us directly at (313) 924 5730. Available.

Available for sale are:

1) The complete book with 12 engravings as described and the “Histoire d’un Grande Livre” with an original drawing and “Histoire d’un Grande Livre.”  Available!!!

2) The individual lithographs marked available below. Available

E-mail for Price and condition report. Call us for more information.

Click on the thumbnail for a larger image.

Pages choisies de Don Quichotte de la Mancha